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Article: Elindra's guide to chromotherapy : Discover the impact of colors in your personal and professional life

The Elindra Guide to Chromotherapy: Discover the impact of color in your personal and professional life

Whether in your professional or personalenvironment, colors play a key role. They are known to have a significant effect on your behavior and general well-being.

It's unthinkable to imagine that the world is all black and white. The absence of a variety of colors would have made the universe and everyday life bland. Colours have an important place in everyone's daily life, as they can have considerable influence on your activities and those around you. Every color you wear has an effect on every person you come into contact with, and generates different reactions.

It may seem implausible, but the colors that surround you have the capacity to do you good, without you even realizing it. A study conducted by experts on the subject has shown that colors have an influence on your intellectual and behavioral abilities . Whether it's for fashion or for communicating with those around you, color plays a crucial role. There's even a therapy based on color:chromotherapy.

What is chromotherapy?

Chromotherapy is a form of alternative medicine that acts on your physical stability. It has important effects on your organs and your well-being. It's not unusual for practitioners of this technique to recommend specific colors for your clothing, to help you focus your energies. It is also used by people with low self-confidence or who are prone to stress. Chromotherapy is also effective for treating insomnia and enhancing personal development.

The meaning of different colors

The different colors that exist have particular meanings for your personal and professional life.

  • The red

Red is a well-known eye-catcher. An asset both professionally and personally. Red is synonymous withstrength, courage, willpower and leadership, enabling you to assert yourself and convince others. If you lack energy, don't hesitate to wear this color. However, there are a few dangers in wearing red. Indeed, if you're angry or stressed, it can accentuate this state and convey an impression of aggressiveness and domination.

  • Pink

Often considered a color for women only, pink is increasingly being adopted by men. It reflects the softness and positivism that are essential to everyday life. If you wear this color, you're free of aggression. Pink is also reputed to convey serenity, self-confidence and reduce stress. However, you mustn't overdo it, as this can be to your disadvantage. In fact, some people see too much pink as weakness and superficiality.

  • Orange

Having many points in common with red, this color reflects joie de vivre, balance and self-confidence. Whether in professional or personal settings, this representation embodies communication and good humor. It's a color that acts on the emotional and sentimental level. If you're feeling sad or depressed, this color can tone and boost you. Orange also helps you make decisions. However, orange can sometimes overexcite our senses, creating impatience and irritation.

  • Yellow

A person who likes to wear a yellow garment or accessory is often considered to be full of joie de vivre and imagination. In general, when you wear yellow, you exude positive energy and attract sympathy. This color helps you concentrate. If you're feeling anxious or blue, yellow has the same effect as sunshine: you'll relax and be more cheerful. This factor is an asset in the workplace and in everyday life. However, yellow can also reflect an image of superficiality and egocentricity.

  • Turquoise

This color is a sign of purity, tranquility and wisdom. It is recommended for people who wish to make changes in their lives and step out of their comfort zones. This color relieves stress and tension. Turquoise attracts positive thoughts and well-being. It helps anyone in need of inspiration and creativity. However, it should not be worn all the time, because it can cause a person to become completely detached from others.

  • Green

Associated with nature, green is very popular in everyday life, as it evokes balance and freshness. Many people see in this color happiness, success, strength and optimism. It relieves anxieties and worries. Nature is constantly changing, and wearing green gives you that adaptability and flexibility. However, wearing too much green can reveal an excessive need for isolation and solitude.

  • The blue

Like green, it's linked to nature. It represents the sky and the sea. Wearing a blue garment evokes stability, calm, serenity and favors communication. It also calms anxiety and anger. However, it can also indicate unspoken words and misunderstandings, and you mustn't overdo it, as you may be perceived as being too lax.

  • Brown

Brown symbolizes comfort, stability and respect, and soothes and comforts those who wear it. It is a rather neutral color found in nature. It evokes responsibility and reliability. Wearing brown gives you a mind of steel to face any challenge. However, if you're a bit depressed, avoid wearing this color. Indeed, brown contributes to the desire to remain in the shadows and can override positivity.  

  • Purple

Neither hot nor cold, violet is an asset in your everyday life. It evokes magic, delicacy, protection and prosperity. It soothes, calms and reassures. Wearing violet is also a great way to meet new people. It should be avoided by the shy, as it can make you feel blue and sad.

  • Grey

Gray often highlights negative aspects, as it conveys a feeling of sadness, stress, monotony or helplessness. Wearing this color also implies a desire to isolate oneself and be alone. This color can be depressing, like the gray weather of November. However, gray can also have a positive side, such as maturity, simplicity, tranquility and prudence. And it has the ability to increase concentration.

  • White

Whether it adorns the walls of your home or your clothing, white is a sign of purity and elegance. At the same time, this color implies simplicity and originality. What's more, wearing white calms and soothes. White is frequently featured in collections. What's more, there's nothing negative about wearing it.

  • Black

Black has an important place in the world of fashion and business. Indeed, by wearing black you arerespected and it evokes discipline, dignity and a certain sophistication. Be very careful when wearing black, however, as it unfortunately reflectsa sense of unease, anxiety and fear. This color cuts you off from others and from the joy of life. People who are depressed and feel bad about themselves wear black to protect themselves from the outside world and to express their protest.

How do I choose a color?

Whether you're deciding on the color of your interior or the garment you're going to wear, you need to focus on your personality and state of mind. If you intend to send out a particular message at work or in your daily life, or simply to boost yourself or get a boost of energy, you can do so by choosing to wear a specific color. Be careful not to wear each color too much, so you can benefit from the positive sides of color.

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